Route 53X has Last Updated: November 26th, 10:12am, Route 37 Temporary Detour cleared Temporary Bus Stop Closures: Temporary Detours: Route 3 (As of 11/22/21)M Continued read more. RUTAS 1, 6 & 8 EN EFECTO VIERNES 10 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2021 DE 2:00PM A 10:00PM CATS Bus Route Schedules. F-V South Park, Park Corona Cruiser bus routes connect with Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) regional bus routes, North Main Metrolink Commuter Train Station and Park and Ride lots.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires the proper wearing of face masks per federal law.
We’re proud of our clean, modern bus fleet and our professional and courteous coach operators. Contact number for RTA bus services is 800-9090 (toll-free in UAE). Please click here for the revised Route 2 schedule.
Register for your free mobile transit permit and simply use your phone when boarding any RTA fixed-route and you’ll ride for free. Several RTA routes directly service the UCR community and many Western Riverside County neighboring communities.

UCR is pleased to have partnered with RTA in providing all students, faculty and staff free access to public transportation. RTA UPASS PROGRAM (Riverside Transit Agency)
The Google Maps Transit Trip Planner provides the full route, calculates mileage, estimates travel time, and dollars saved by leaving the car at home. To find a public transit route best suited for your trip to campus, go to Google Maps and plan your trip using public transportation. The UCR campus is served by both bus and rail from the neighboring counties of San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Orange. If an individual switches a 20-mile round-trip commute to public transit, his or her annual CO2 emissions will decrease by 4,800 pounds per year, equal to a 10 percent reduction in a two-car household's carbon footprint. And, an individual can achieve an average annual savings of more than $10,000 by taking public transit instead of driving and by living with one less car. the equivalent of 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline annually.